Climate Change

This page collects together all the conversations, events and projects to do with climate change.


Parish of Brentford Clothes Repair Café

14 December 2023 by Sarah Salisbury

Sarah Salisbury shares her experience of founding and running the Brentford Clothes Repair Café, how it has impacted their church community, and how it relates to their Eco Church journey.

Reflections from COP26

16 December 2021 by Enid Barron

Enid is part of our Creation Care Steering Group and a member of the Act for Ealing community environmental group. Here she shares her experience of attending a day at COP26.

The Creation Care Scheme for Households

21 September 2021 by Sue Charlton

Sue Charlton explains how a group from her church utilised the Creation Care survey scheme, developed by St Paul’s Dorking, to equip their households in living more sustainably.

The Journey to COP 26: Why I am walking

02 July 2021 by Flo Wright

Flo Wright, from The Young Christian Climate Network explains why the relay they are organising to COP 26 is both urgent and hopeful, and calls us all to get involved too.

Our Next Steps to tackle Climate Change

10 February 2021 by Brian Cuthbertson

Brian Cuthbertson reflects on the great progress made by churches to tackle climate change; and sets out five practical things our churches can do to continue the journey


Filling in your Energy Footprint Tool: Advice Drop-in (online)

Monday 10th July/Tuesday 11th July

We’re running two Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) webinars for anyone who would like support with completing this part of their Parish Returns

Full details for this event.

Carbon Literacy Course For Dioceses of London and Southwark: March 2023

Wednesday 1st, 8th and 15th March 2023

Join us for this online course exploring how we as churches and individuals can reduce our carbon dioxide emissions.

Full details for this event.

Carbon Literacy Course for Dioceses of London and Southwark: Nov 2022

8th, 15th and 22nd November 2022, 7.30-9.30pm

Join us for this online course exploring how we as churches and individuals can reduce our carbon dioxide emissions

Full details for this event.

God’s Creation Needs You – How you can help!

Saturday 8th October 2022

A day of working together to help heal our planet. Organised by the Diocese of London Edmonton Area and Compassionate Communities.

Full details for this event.

Warm Welcome Launch

Wednesday 28th September, 7.30-8.30pm

If you’re considering opening up your church/building as a ‘warm space’ this winter, do join our friends at the Warm Welcome Campaign for their launch event to hear more about the campaign and to hear stories about what organisations across the country are planning.

Full details for this event.

Diocese of London Carbon Literacy Course

11th, 18th and 25th August 2022, 7.30-9.30pm

Join us for this online course exploring how we as churches and individuals can reduce our carbon dioxide emissions

Full details for this event.

Electric Vehicles Seminar

Tuesday 22nd February 2022, 7.30-8.30pm

A online seminar with Richard Waller, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at Keele University: Everything you wanted to know about Electric Vehicles but were afraid to ask.

Full details for this event.

Getting Started with Eco Church

Thursday 23rd September, 7-8pm

A 1 hour introduction from A Rocha to the “Eco Church” programme for any church thinking about becoming one, or if your church is registered but need a “reboot”. Find out more and ask questions.

Full details for this event.

Energy “Switch Day” Training for churches

Wednesday 27th January

An hour zoom meeting to find out more about running “Energy Switch Days” in your church. A simple way to help people save money &transfer to renewable energy tariff; it also helps your church!

This event is hosted by The Fair Energy Campaign, with Citizens UK, Tearfund & Compassionate Communities.

Full details for this event.

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